
13 Jun 23, by Hello for good

Community Presentation on Regional Integrated Authority

Wednesday, June 28
Spokane Convention Center, Centennial Ballroom
8:00AM – 10:00AM (doors open at 7:30)
RSVPs are not required

Hello for Good would like to encourage you to attend the upcoming community presentation to hear
the recommendations for the development of a Regional Collaborative to address homelessness and
next steps for our community. This is a free event and will include elected leaders from Spokane County,
City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and other regional jurisdictions who have been an integral part
of this work. There will be time for questions as well. Details are below – we hope you can join us!

More details can be found on the Spokane Regional Collaborative website: Spokane Unite –
Collaborating for our Community

What is the Regional Collaborative?

The Regional Collaborative will allow for the creation of a regional collaborative entity to help our
homeless response system work efficiently and effectively to properly manage homelessness, not just in
Spokane, but in the greater Spokane region.

Why is it important?

Having a regional approach to managing homelessness recognizes the significant gaps in support that
have been needed for a long time and assists agencies in fully carrying out their missions. The regional
entity will give them the support they’ve lacked.

Why hold community presentations?

There is a lot of uncertainty around the creation of the Regional Integrated Authority. By holding
community presentation sessions, we can begin to address those concerns and provide the entire
community a VERY active and participatory role in shaping the formation of this regional organization.