07 Jul 22, by Hello for good
Homelessness, Housing Count Presentation – Set for July 13th

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Story map to provide context to data
The community is invited to a presentation called “Homelessness and Housing: An Analysis and Discussion of the 2022 Point-in-Time Count in Spokane County” from 3 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 13, at the renovated Central Library, 906 W. Main Ave.
Speakers include: City Data Scientist Daniel Ramos, Library Community Data Coordinator Shiloh Deitz and Eastern Washington University Researcher Matt Anderson. There will also be a panel discussion and question-and-answer period.
The story map presentation will include background and methodology of the count; a description of who was counted this year; an analysis of the local housing market and unsheltered population; and potential causes for an increase in the unsheltered count this year. The goal is to share the research, foster curiosity, promote discussion and help individuals and families find homes.
A total of 1,757 people from 1,513 households were counted this year compared to the 1,559 people in 1,244 households counted in 2020, the last time a complete count was conducted due to public health limitations related to the global pandemic. In 2021, the count was limited to those people staying only in emergency shelters and transitional housing projects.
However gradual, this year’s count marks the fifth consecutive year with an overall increase. The Spokane County report released in May attributed this year’s increase to a change in the Point-in-Time Count methodology, the limited ability for operators of deposit and rental assistance programs to spend their budget due to housing affordability and availability constraints, and the increased housing costs.
As a recipient of federal and state funds through the regional Continuum of Care that supports homeless services, all communities are required by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to conduct counts. Using HUD methodology, this year’s surveys for the sheltered population were conducted on Feb. 24, followed by the unsheltered population Feb. 25- March 1.
“The Point-in-Time Count is an important tool used to inform the delivery of services and programs for people experiencing homelessness in Spokane County,” Ramos said.
The City organized the countywide count in cooperation with other government agencies, homeless providers, community volunteers, educators and others.
“Beyond the raw numbers, it’s critical to provide context and trends through this presentation that offers a more complete story of our current homelessness and housing situation,” Deitz said.
The count is among several data points agencies rely on to develop and refine strategies to move people into permanent housing. Although the survey provides an estimate of how many people are homeless in the county, it also provides partners with information about who is living in homelessness, barriers and other information that can impact the design of new programs. Names are kept confidential.
More 2022 PIT Count data is on the City’s website. The presentation will posted at
A CityCable 5 video on this year’s count is posted on the City’s website.
For more information on the presentation, email
(EDITORS: Two photos from this year’s Point-in-Time Count in Spokane County of volunteer survey takers and homeless individuals are attached for your consideration.)
About the City of Spokane
The City of Spokane, home to more than 220,000 people, is located in the heart of the Inland Northwest. Our 2,000 employees strive to deliver efficient and effective services that facilitate economic opportunity and enhance the quality of life for all our citizens. For more information, visit and follow us @spokanecity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.